超精密研磨装置で完全無欠な鏡面加工を実現します。 高剛性研削装置で難削材を高能率かつ高品位に研削加工します。 独自に開発された分級技術による高品質の超砥粒パウダーを提供します。 世界が認めた高精度のシングルパス式量産型ホーニング装置です。

World Leader in
Superabrasive Finishing

Lapping & Polishing
Engis offers state-of-the-art technology in the design of flat lapping systems that meet the most demanding requirements.

World Leader in
Superabrasive Finishing

Grinding Machines
High Precision Vertical Wafer Grinding Machines

World Leader in
Superabrasive Finishing

Superabrasive Powders
Engis is unsurpassed in its ability to customize high-quality diamond and CBN powders for any application.

World Leader in
Superabrasive Finishing

Engis Bore Finishing Systems
Single Pass Bore Finishing and Single-Pass Dual Bore Finishing Systems, Complete Machine Design, Tools and Process development.

Core Technology

Engis Corporation technology has contributed to the powerful cutting-edge technology that is enabling the recently launched James Webb Space Telescope to answer questions about our solar system, study exoplanets in new ways, and look deeper into the universe than we've ever been able to.


Demo Lab.

The advantage of Engis' diamond lapping system is that it can provide comprehensive solutions for ultra-precision polishing technology. At the demo lab, our expert enginners make use of their experience and cultivated know-how to conduct activities to meet a wide variety of needs.